M A K E ... A ... S C E N E !

The Pianist: Text by Jelinek, Film by Haneke

(Benoît Magimel and Isabelle Huppert in "The Pianist")


This was exactly the mission given to me: to make a scene, for the film version of Elfriede Jelinek's "The Pianist", directed by Michael Haneke. The "scene" took place at the house of an instrument collector, and, of course, Wega-Film turned to the Orpheon Foundation for help. The instruments - which included a large number of violins, violoncelli and violas da gamba - were precisely measured and the display cabinets were constructed and set in place amidst a magnificent library for this scene. Below, some of the frames from the film (courtesy of Wega-Films). The main actress in this scene - the star attraction - was the treble viola da gamba by Marcel Pichler, Hallein, ca. 1660, which you see in the hands of one of the actors. Alas! The three prizes which this film received in the Cannes Film Festival of 2001 were awarded to three of the main human actors, and not to our viol! (But it is only fair to note that only humans sat in the jury...)

The Pianist: the library

Library, featuring two Turner treble violas da gamba, two Pichler treble violas da gamba,
Violas by J.C. Leidolff and an anonymous Italian maker, bass viol by Joachim Tielke,
part of the bow collection.

The Pianist: a scene from the film

The main actor of this scene is the Pichler treble viola da gamba from the 17th. C.
In the background, treble viola da gamba by William Turner,1656.
(Also present: Annie Girardot and Udo Samel)

The pianist: a scene from the film

The main protagonist is again the treble viola da gamba by Marcel Pichler.
In the background the bass viola da gamba by Joachim Tielke and the treble viola da gamba by William Turner,
In the foreground, also Annie Girardot and Udo Samel.

updated 21.11.2007