Violin by Johann Joseph Stadlman
Vienna, 1767

Label: Joann = Joseph / Stadl = mann / Kayserl = Königl / Hof Lauten = und Geigen / macher in = Wienn 1768 ( = zeigt wo der Reichsadler den Text trennt)
Source: Dorotheum, Wien

Johann Joseph (1720-1781) was the son of Daniel Achatius Stadlmann (ca. 1680-1744), the founder of this distinguished Viennese dynasty of luthiers in the 18th C. In fact, Daniel Achatius was entrusted with the Imperial monopoly on the wood trade for the guild of luthiers, which explains why the instruments of this Family were constructed from the finest, first-choice materials.

Johann Joseph (1720-1781) war der Sohn Daniel Achatius Stadlmanns(um 1680–1744), des Gründers dieser bedeutenden Wiener Geigenbaudynastie des 18. Jahrhunderts. Daniel Achatius verfügte sogar über das Monopol des Holzhandels der Innung, weshalb seine Instrumente aus den erlesensten Klanghölzern hergestellt worden sind.  

Body length 354 mm
Upper width 167 mm
Middle width 108 mm
Lower width 202 mm
Rib height   32 mm
String length 327 mm


updated 14.10.2007