Violin by Nicolò Amati
Cremona, 1669

Violin Nicola Amati (Cremona, 1669) Violin Nicola Amati (Cremona, 1669)

Violin Nicola Amati (Cremona, 1669)  Violin Nicola Amati (Cremona, 1669)

vioins: Goffriller-School and Amati

The Dynasty founded by Andrea, which standardised violin making, was carried on by his sons and reached a pinnacle in the perfect form of Nicolò Amati (1596-1684). Nicolò also was responsible for educating a whole generation of outstanding violin makers, among which were Andrea Guarneri, Alessandro Gagliano, Giovanni Battista Rogeri and perhaps also Jakob Stainer. Remarkably the instruments of Nicolò Amati and Jakob Stainer remained the most coveted ones throughout the 17th and 18th Centuries. The fashion for Stradivarius arrived only towards the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th Century. The violin by Amati in our collection sounds singularly good. It is a great pleasure to have an instrument by this maker in the collection: one would wish for more!

The University of Hamburg has carried out dendrochronological studies (see materials in the exhibition) on the wood of this violin. Dendrochronology is the science of determining the date of the annular rings in pine or spruce, serving to establish when the tree was felled. Dr. Peter Klein and Dr. Micha Beuting have established that the rings on the top of the Amati run from 1489 until 1658, indicating that the tree was felled in or about 1659. Since the label bears the year 1669 and since violin makers usually wait a few years to let the wood dry, then it is very much believable that the violin could very well have been made in 1669 by Amati.

Juan Carlos Higuita, a young Columbian violinist, during a concert
at the Castello di Duino.

Dendrochronological analysis

Dendrochronology is the science of dating objects made out of wood by measuring the year rings in the wood used in the object's construction and comparing the results to data banks collected for this purpose. This methods establishes with reasonable certainty a date before which the instrument could not have been made. Most violin makers use woods which have been aged for about five to ten years.

Bericht über die dendrochronologische Untersuchung einer
Geige (Zettel: Amati)

Die zweiteilige Fichtenholzdecke enthält auf der Baßseite 141 Jahrringe und auf der Diskantseite 126 Jahrringe. Mit der Vergleichskurve aus der Alpenregion konnten die Jahrringe der Baßseite zwischen 1658 und 1518 und die der Diskantseite zwischen 1614 und 1489 eingeordnet werden. Somit stammt der jüngste auf der Decke vorhandene Jahrring aus dem Jahre 1658.

Baß- und Diskantseite stammen von demselben Baum.

Bei einer minimalen Lagerzeit des Holzes von einem Jahr kann die Decke frühstens ab 1659 entstanden sein.

Prof. Dr. Peter Klein
Ordinariat für Holzbiologie
Universität Hamburg

Report on the dendrochronological analysis of a
violin (label: Amati)

The two-part spruce front contains 141 year-rings on the bass side and 126 year-rings on the treble side. With the curves of comparison from the Alpine region the year-rings could be dated between 1658 and 1518 on the bass side and between 1614 and 1489 on the treble side. Therefore the youngest year-ring present on the front comes from the year 1658.

The bass and the treble side came from the same tree.

Considering a minimal time for curing the wood of one year, the front could have been made in 1659 at the earliest.

Prof. Dr. Peter Klein
Ordinariat für Holzbiologie
Universität Hamburg

More on dendtrochronology

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Body length mm
Upper width
Middle width mm
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updated 14.10.2007